Welcome to Year One!!

Welcome to Year One at King’s Park Infant School. Our class is called Giraffe Class.

The teacher in Giraffe Class is Miss Taylor and our teaching assistant is Miss Patterson.
In Year One we are Captain Curiosities by learning through a creative and practical curriculum based around different topics each term.

Check back regularly for photo updates.

Year One Team

Our topics are: 

Who can save the toys?
I wonder what we might find in the Polar Regions?
Is it a bird, is it a plane?
Would you like to live in a fairy tale?
What’s the commotion in the ocean?
I wonder if bugs bite?

You can find more information about our topics by referring to our topic webs which are uploaded every half term.

Our daily routine consists of core subjects, which include English, mathematics and
science. We follow the Read Write Inc phonics scheme to support the Year One
phonics screening check. Creative subjects are taught based around our topics.

We ensure all children enjoy learning by giving them a broad fun learning experience
through trips, hook days, visitors and Forest Schools.

Forest School

In Year 1 we have Forest School sessions. Forest School is a child- centred learning process that offers the opportunity for holistic growth through frequent sessions. Forest School supports play, exploration and safe risk taking.  


In maths we follow the White Rose Maths scheme which follows the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach. This allows children to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and build mastery in the subject where they can apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems. See our Maths subject page for more details. Browse the photos below to see maths in action!  


In PE we follow a scheme of work delivered by the teacher (Val Sabin), this focuses on the social, personal and cognitive aspects and allows children to work on personal goals and build resilience.

Across the year, PE is split into 4 core areas:

  1. Games
  2. Dance
  3. Athletics
  4. Gymnastics

We also have specialist sports coaches deliver a wide range of sports including dodgeball, bench ball, handball, gymnastics, tag rugby rounders, netball, gymnastics and dance.


In the afternoons, we explore lots of different subjects including Science, Music, Computing, RHE and PATHS (see our subject pages for more information.) History, Geography, Art and DT are explored in our Topic lessons where children’s curiosity is ignited through our topic questions. Here are some snapshots of our learning!  

Class Newsletters